(─‿‿─) nuthin special..


SELAMAT PAGI.. And Happy 4th I guess but not really. Meh. I was radicalized. Not care about it...

Just wanted to write a quick blog post.. I had a pretty fun but also super draining day! So it was a Happy 4th, but for MY reasons, not for the state. ( ꒪҇൧̑ ꒪҄ꐦ)


I was sick, like, really sick.. and also kind of burnt out from Artfight? I’M NOT PUSHING MYSELF ANYMORE! I finished the stressful attack today, and I’ll keep doing art tomorrow. Usually I like to at least have a sketch done (I work during the day, so I can’t do traditional, but my sketches on digital suck), but I don’t really care. I can skip some time, I need rest..


TODAY I did lots of stretches, worked on my Nichijou fanfiction, ate lots of fruit, started Kill Me Baby, and Katamari! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ ) They’re both hilarious! I love the humor in KMB and the art direction also. It reminds me of Nichijou, Hidamari Sketch, and Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan.

I need to work on my 4koma.. when july is over, surely I will.

BTW; Last night I dreamt I watched Keroro Gunsou, and now I really want to… it was the dub! (ง -ω´)۶ The dub isn’t great for the whole series but I grew up on it, so I have warm memories of it. Someone said Natsumi is just like Candace from Phineas and Ferb, and I can't unsee that! (´>∀<`)ゝ Lately I've been watching that show too with my little sister, and I LOVE it.


i'm sick.. so for dinner I'm having blueberries, 3 slices of cinnamon-raisin toast, and some chai tea.. with milk and honey. yaaay! I almost started to rant about how breakfast and dinner are strange constructs.NOT TODAY!!!!!!!!


Hmmm.. well, I'm excited to work on my fanfiction, actually. It's super self-indulgent -- it's a summer sleepover where everyone plays early 2000s games and I'VE BEEN DRAFTING IT FOR A YEAR ALREADY!??! JEEZ!!!!!! I'm gonna finish it before summer is over, I swear.. or at least have one chapter out! I PROMISE!! Σ(▼□▼メ)

I guess that's all I have to say! My body is in a ton of pain, and I feel really terrible, but I'm gonna live.. My spirit is never crushed, genuinely! It's been like that a lot since I started taking antidepressants.. I used to cry a TON just because I feel bad, and because I always feel bad, it never ended. (⌒_⌒;) But listen... now I can just push on and I'm happy no matter what. (Within reason.. muahaha.)

That's all... I'm happy today! I hope you're happy too. And I hope those dang fireworks weren't too loud. ..・ヾ(。><)シ
Tomorrow is gonna be a good day because it's friday.. 

I NEED SOME REST NOW!!!!!!!!!  Have a great week!

Currently listening to: super speeder Judy Jedy - CAPSULE
Current mood: I'm supa happy!!!!!!!!

Web Clap by FC2