The One Where I Answer Questions 
Hi, hi, hello! (˶ㅇᗜㅇ˶) ⑉♥ today I’m happy and brimming with energy. I went to Barnes and then I went to the grocery store to get my discounted-Sushi-Wednesday sushi on a Wednesday. Today is pretty nice, all things considered! Except for the miserable fact that I wanted to play games on my computer, and now it’s doing a memory problem check that’s taking so long. >_>”
So, ummm. Yeah. I’m gonna read a book!!!! I got so many books! I got Yuru Camp.. and two really zoology books. One is about cats by Jackson Galaxy… and another is about mammology! soooo yeah.. uh… bye for now. ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
( some time later … )
Hey Aioigoers I’m back! "٩(ー̀ꇴー́)
I read some Yuru Camp and it was really cute, I like it! I was worried to get something that wasn’t really plot-based and was a iyashikei, because I wanted to get the first volume of a really interesting story that would keep me in suspense… but this is awesome! They didn’t have any Kemono Friends, Yotsuba, Girls’ Last Tour, Dungeon Meshi, DeDeDe… wow, how lame.
so yeah..
Do you ever have moments where it feels like a new ‘era’ in your year is starting? Not in your life, ‘cause it’s a less important and shorter period… but like, June was the month where my room was nice and clean, I started Quokka.City, and discovered my new favorite drink and played new Roblox games… and there was a time some autumns ago when me and my dog would sit on the couch in the living room together and watch Pokémon videos on the big screen and share bread and snuggle.. ( ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )
I felt one of those shifts, I think.. last night actually. There was this whole fiasco with a best friend where we were pretty positive he wouldn’t be able to speak with our friend group for up to a year, but then the issue got resolved.. so we all watched DIY (the show GO WATCH IT!!!
) and weird videos on YouTube and slime and stuff.. I painted my nails for the first time in years.. and I couldn’t see, so I turned my lights up in my bedroom for the first time ever, everything felt super different.. and I was like.. “yeah.. things are gonna be different from now on”
There’s never really a big SHIFT though. It’s more like.. changing your routine a little. Or discovering a new favorite snack, or TV show, or hobby.. the certain auras of the day change, I guess… ( ¯ᒡ̱¯ ) And with every shift, it feels there’s a heavy emotional feel too.. Some of these periods in time I remember with a sour or sad hindsight, others I kinda miss fondly or I think they were just plain miserable or boring.. (Like when I was depressed over being forced to attend physical school despite my horrible, then-brand-new illness, I would watch video essays and eat bland food and just cry…)
But this feels like a good one! I have physical therapy tomorrow.. I haven’t had that in a while!! So let’s all see..
OKAY!!!! NOW!!!! Onto the questions.. or, comments or requests or threats or mystical spells. I only answered about half of them today, 'cause there were A LOT... and also because my chronic pain is really bad lolol.. so are you ready?! Let’s go!
Anonymous Quagga says...
Pocchi said...
THANK YOU!! I don't know who you are, but if you say we've hung out before, I DEFINITELY SHARE THE SENTIMENT!!!
10:22 pm
Anonymous Basilisk says...
listen to mashup week megamix pls hi this is 3cheez
Pocchi said...
HE'S RIGHT!! Everyone go check up Mashup Week Megamix... you'll like it a lot if you're the kind of person to get super excited over recognizing a song you like in mashups.
10:22 pm
Anonymous Phantom Jellyfish says...
i really like to read your blogs, i learn so much more about you as a person and what you think. also youre one of the people that helped me become more social these past couple months. thank you so much. youre my bestest friend ever!!!
Pocchi said...
AHH that was really emotional to read.. It makes me happy to think there are those out there who value my blogs.. or rather, are curious about me as a person. I'm really grateful for your support, and I'm really so happy to hear I've had a positive influence on your life. even if someday we don't speak anymore, I hope you'll always stay curious and wanting to know more about everyone you come across!
10:22 pm
Anonymous Groundhog says...
this function is super cool! i luv interactive stuff,,, ur site has so many cool features
Pocchi said...
thank you!!! I understand my site is for, well, me.. but I like for it to feel like somewhere people can keep coming back to, rather than just my own private little corner. It's still a little corner.. but I hope it's a bright and welcoming one! With fairy lights and Fruit by the Foot!
10:22 pm
Anonymous Manatee says...
Just a reminder that you're love and valued as well. Never forget that you make this world a more beautiful place just by being here. Sending you lots of love from my corner of the internet <3
Pocchi said...
Thank you so much ... I tell people that a lot but it feels nice when what I put out comes back around.. it's just nice to be nice. Thank you for your kindness!! let's keep giving people more things to smile about.. or happycry.
10:22 pm
Anonymous Toucan says...
hi! i just read your post about felling lonely about friends drifting apart, and I can say, you are not alone! It sucks, yes, but you have to remember that if they don't miss you the way you do, they are not worthy of your attention. Take time to improve yourself (if that is what you think you need), get new experiences, live your life the best way and friendships and good relationships will come along. I hope everything is okay and that you feel better! - cmsvgp
Pocchi said...
YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!.. really these days I'm mad they wasted my time, when I could've been making nicer memories.. but I think I've become a nice person, and not someone bitter or cold. And even if my friends are all online, I love them more than anything!! They make my life worth living!!! I feel totally great..
10:22 pm
Insanonymous Killer Fish says...
Hey, it's Insan. What am I to you? This is nothing out of hate, just curiosity. I know we're good friends, I just wonder what you see me as. As in, amalgam of traits and experiences and feelings and such.
Pocchi said...
hi Insan!! To me I think you're brilliant.. genuinely one of the coolest people I've ever met. ALSO one of the greatest artists I've ever met!!!!! You haven't even graduated yet and what, you're cranking out amazing animations, music, art, comics, photo edits, even films?? And they all bring me such joy!!! The movie you sent me about the babysitter is taking up a nice big chunk of my drive space.. and I'm GLAD! You're everything I love about living here in SoCal.. you embody the palm trees and the salty wind and that time at the end of the day where everything's bathed in tangerine... I earnestly hope every day that we can stay best friends until one of us drops dead. LOVE YOU!
10:22 pm

it's over now...
Currently listening to: A Summer Vacation - Lamp
Current mood: I'm sad because this world is so beautiful.. I don't want it all to end.. but that means I should just enjoy right now, right?