Lazy in Space...


SELAMAT PAGIII… it was a little while since the last blog post, wasn’t it? But for once I’m free… AND I WANNA WRITE!!

.I’ve been really busy lately, doing commissions, looking for jobs, moderating a whole social platform.. ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) it’s tough work! But we fight on! YEAH! I applied for a promising entry-level remote job today, I hope I get it.. I'm super qualified, and it's nice since I'm housebound!

Today was even tougher … mom woke me up at 4am… because she had to go to work, and my sister had not even slept the entire night.. ( ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ ) Usually we both wake up at 9!! NINE!!!!!! I came in and she was like, “Pocchi, it’s dark outside!”. Mom was like, ‘yeah, because, believe it or not, it’s still nighttime. (¬_¬)’

so I spent about two or three hours trying to get her to go to sleep … (˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ). But, look, do you guys remember Bee & Puppycat? APPARENTLY THEY REBOOTED IT ON NETFLIX?!? And it looks so professional too!!!! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ I was blown away!!!! I was watching the Japanese dub of that, with Japanese captions. Maybe that sounds counter-intuitive, but lately I’ve gotten serious about learning Japanese! I'm really good when it comes to things like grammar and kanji.. But I realized I'm not really getting anywhere, and it's because I haven't had a lot of practice regarding actual conversations!!! Knowing a lot about grammar doesn't really mean anything if my knowledge is just stagnating…

So some advice I got is to do more immersion… when you just listen to Japanese audio for hours on end, or read it, etc… I usually listen to things like Nihongo con Teppei, but I'll do it for just about anything that doesn't have English subtitles. It helps me a lot!! "٩(ー̀ꇴー́) I've also been journaling in Japanese just for myself.. I just write and write and write, and afterwards I go back and look at anything I might've gotten wrong.. That's pretty fun too! But, since there's a lot of words I don't know in Japanese, they aren't nearly as long as my blog posts. ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )

( Unrelated, but when something is plugged in, I love how warm it gets at the base… I used to snuggle against my mom’s laptop cord box as a kid.. )

So anyways, about Bee & Puppycat…

I enjoyed it a lot and thought it was really funny.. But with it being so early in the morning, of course I started to doze off.. and then sometimes I’d wake up again because my sister was still up!!! It made for some really strange dreams.. I was dreaming about the show, too, but everything would mix together in my head.. real episodes and fake episodes! Characters which were never real! I felt really mystified when I woke up. ( ´◔∀◔`)ゞ

I skimmed through the episodes that I didn't remember watching, and I only recognized some of them from my ‘dreams’…. But a lot of the things I thought were real totally weren’t!!! (゚д゚) how strange…

I like Bee & Puppycat a lot. For some reason, I always feel some kind of solidarity with Puppycat, even as a small kid? Usually I feel that strongly about characters I can actually relate to, like Yuuko or Yuzuko or Miyako.. It's kind of weird!

As a kid I would pretend to be Puppycat when I would play with my friends (who had also come across it one day on Frederator’s channel)… but like, that's pretty normal for a kid! I know this because I did the same thing with Catbug! (still cute, but I don’t mind him much these days.)

But even today, I saw Puppycat, and thought..  ‘that’s me’… but, we don't have anything in common! He is such a serious man.. I bet you it’s an autism thing, ‘cause if I had the chance to communicate through captioned gibberish Vocaloid sounds, I’d take it in a heartbeat! Maybe I could make a Puppycat OC.. like if I was stuck in the body of a ‘monster’ like him.. but Puppycat is peak character design, I don't think I can beat it.

I love Bee and Puppycat.. I’m happy to watch it again.. ( ´∀`) Today was super busy, but now it's time to rest.

Currently listening to: The Epic of Zektbach - Aria te'Laria no Theme
Current mood: I feel happy.. whatever's for dinner stinks though...

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